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119 results
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Number | Title | Image (click for larger image) | |
751 ( 144) |
Mission Santa Clara de Asis, Santa Clara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
189 | Catholic Church, Santa Clara
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
191 | Catholic Church, Santa Clara
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
341 ( 243) |
Thomas Starr King's Church, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
297 | Jewish Cemetery, San Francisco
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
342 | Starr King's Church, San Francisco
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
357 | Untitled
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
706 | View from the Residence of Bishop Kip, Rincon Hill, S. F.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
715 | View from Rincon Hill, San Francisco
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
794 | Lone Mountain Cemetery
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
795 | Untitled
Courtesy of California State Library | |
797 | Lone Mountain Cemetery
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
799 | Lone Mountain Cemetery
Courtesy of California State Library | |
965 | Baptismal Font, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
967 | California Street from Stockton, San Francisco
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
967 | California Street from Stockton, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
789 ( 1201) |
Mission San Diego de Alcala, San Diego County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
786 ( 1202) |
Mission San Diego de Alcala, San Diego County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
788 ( 1203) |
Mission San Diego de Alcala, San Diego County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
787 ( 1204) |
Olive and Palm Orchard, Mission San Diego de Alcala, San Diego County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
785 ( 1205) |
Mission San Louis Rey de Francia, San Diego County, California. Established June 13th, 1798. From the West.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
784 ( 1206) |
Mission San Louis Rey de Francia, San Diego County, California. Established June 13th, 1798. From the West.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
783 ( 1207) |
Mission San Louis Rey de Francia, San Diego County, California. Established June 13th, 1798. From the West.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
782 ( 1208) |
Mission San Louis Rey de Francia, San Diego County, California. Established June 13th, 1798. From the West.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
777 ( 1209) |
Mission San Juan Capistrano, Orange County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
779 ( 1210) |
Mission San Juan Capistrano, Orange County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
778 ( 1211) |
Mission San Juan Capistrano, Orange County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
780 ( 1211 alt) |
Mission San Juan Capistrano, Orange County
No Image Available | |
776 ( 1212) |
Mission San Gabriel Arcangel, Los Angeles County, California. Established September 8th, 1771. From Residence of Mr. Howard, with Date Palm.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
775 ( 1213) |
Mission San Gabriel Arcangel, Los Angeles County, California. Established September 8th, 1771. From Residence of Mr. Howard, with Date Palm.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
773 ( 1214) |
Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana, Los Angeles County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
774 ( 1215) |
Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana, Los Angeles County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
772 ( 1216) |
Mission San Fernando Rey de Espana, Los Angeles County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
771 ( 1217) |
Mission San Buenaventura, Ventura County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
770 ( 1218) |
Mission San Buenaventura, Ventura County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
769 ( 1219) |
Mission San Buenaventura, Ventura County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
767 ( 1220) |
Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
No Image Available | |
768 ( 1221) |
Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
765 ( 1222) |
Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
766 ( 1223) |
Mission Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
764 ( 1224) |
Mission Santa Inez, Santa Barbara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
763 ( 1225) |
Mission Santa Inez, Santa Barbara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
762 ( 1226) |
Mission San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
761 ( 1227) |
Cerro San Luis Obispo and Bishop Peak, San Luis Obispo County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
758 ( 1228) |
View from Mission San Miguel Arcangel, San Luis Obispo County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
759 ( 1229) |
Mission San Miguel Arcangel, San Luis Obispo County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
760 ( 1229 alt) |
Mission San Miguel Arcangel, San Luis Obispo County
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
756 ( 1230) |
Mission San Antonio de Padua, Monterey County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
757 ( 1231) |
Mission San Antonio de Padua, Monterey County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
755 ( 1232) |
Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, Monterey County
No Image Available | |
754 ( 1233) |
Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, Monterey County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
753 ( 1234) |
Mission San Juan Bautista, San Benito County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
750 ( 1235) |
Mission Santa Clara de Asis, Santa Clara County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
749 ( 1236) |
Mission San Francisco de Asis (Mission Dolores), San Francisco County
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
752 ( 1237) |
Mission San Jose, Alameda County
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1303 | Dalles City from Rockland, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1316 | Catholic Church, Dalles City, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
790 ( 1326) |
Mission San Xavier del Bac, near Tucson, Arizona Territory | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
791 ( 1328) |
Mission San Xavier del Bac, near Tucson, Arizona Territory | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
792 ( 1329) |
Mission San Xavier del Bac, near Tucson, Arizona Territory | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
793 ( 1330) |
Interior, Mission San Xavier del Bac, near Tucson, Arizona Territory | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1352 | Panorama of San Francisco from Telegraph Hill (No. 15). Kearny Street, St. Mary's Cathedral.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1353 | Panorama of San Francisco from Telegraph Hill (No. 16). Grace Cathedral, Synagogue Emanual.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1354 | Panorama from Telegraph Hill (No. 17). St. Francis Cathedral, Vallejo Street.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1393 | Post Street, from Mason-view East
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1395 | Trinity Church, cor. Post and Powell sts., San Francisco
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1706 | Jewish Cemetery. Mission
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1712 | Calvary Church, Geary and Powell
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1756 | Panorama from California and Powell streets, San Francisco
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1763 | View from California and Powell Streets, S.F.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1768 | View from California and Powell Streets, S.F.
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
1774 | Post Street from Taylor, view East, SF
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1843 | City of Vallejo and Suburbs, from the residence of A.D. Woods (No. 5)
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1886 | Broderick's Monument, Lone Mountain, S.F.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1890 | Jewish Cemetery, S.F.
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
2219 | Grace Cathedral, Easter Sunday
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2220 | Grace Cathedral, (Easter Sunday)
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2221 | Grace Cathedral, (Easter Sunday)
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2222 | Grace Cathedral, (Easter Sunday)
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2223 | Grace Cathedral, (Easter Sunday)
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2224 | Grace Cathedral, (Easter Sunday,) San Francisco
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
2228 | Grace Cathedral, Easter Sunday
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2229 | Lone Mountain, from Laurel Hill Cemetery, S.F.
2363 | View from the House-top, San Jose
2374 | San Francisco, from Dolores and Twenty-first Sts. | Courtesy of Marilyn Blaisdell Photograph Collection (SFP 84) , San Francisco History Center, San Francisco Public Library | |
2481 | San Francisco, View from Mason and Pine
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2502 | Lava Bed, looking East, showing Soldiers Cemetery
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2539 | Catholic Church, San Rafael
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2540 | Methodist Church, San Rafael
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2541 | Episcopal Church, San Rafael
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2572 | Church, Residence, and Academy Of Rev. Mr Brewer, San Mateo, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2573 | Church, Residence, and Academy Of Rev. Mr Brewer, San Mateo, Cal.
Courtesy of David Miura | |
3173 | Sunday School Chapel
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3657 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
3657 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3658 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3658 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
3659 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3660 | Easter Sunday, Trinity Church, S.F., 1876.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3741 | St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3742 | St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3742 | St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
3743 | Interior, St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
3744 | Interior, St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3745 | Interior, St. Matthew's Church, San Mateo.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3747 | Interior of St. Luke's Church, San Francisco.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4183 | Episcopal Church, Virginia City, Nev.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4184 | Methodist Church, Virginia City, Nev.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4185 | Catholic Church, Virginia City, Nev.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4372 | Street View in Los Angeles
Courtesy of Roger Genser - The Prints & The Pauper | |
4375 | The Cathedral, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
4376 | The Cathedral, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4380 | Methodist Church, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4381 | Methodist Church, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4454 | Episcopal Church, San Gabriel
Courtesy of John Saddy - Jefferson Stereoptics | |
4470 | Church in San Diego, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
5294 | Interior of Christ Church, Victoria, (B.C.).
Courtesy of California State Library | |
781 | Mission San Juan Capistrano, Orange County
No Image Available | |
— | Dupont St. July 4th, 1862
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles |