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148 results
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Number | Title | Image (click for larger image) | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet. Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Ca
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet. Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Ca
Courtesy of Graham Pilecki | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 ft
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1 | Foss at the Geysers with Superintendent Towne's Party.
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1 | Starting Out - Yo Semite
Courtesy of Wilson Centre for Photography | |
85 | In Camp
Courtesy of Ed Herny | |
107 | The Miner's Pet, New Almaden.
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
130 | Machine Shop, New Almaden
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
148 | Sluicing the Old Furnace Beds, New Almaden
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
183 | Residence of D. T. Adams, San Jose
Courtesy of California State Library | |
214 | Untitled
Courtesy of Cowan's Auctions | |
217 | All aboard for Virginia City
Courtesy of California State Library | |
242 | At Mendocino, Mendocino County, California
Courtesy of The Dave Bernhisel Collection | |
306 | Green and Montogmery, San Francisco
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
506 | First Street, from Rincon Hill, San Francisco
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
578 | Market St., West
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
645 | Mechanics' Institute, 1864, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Mechanics' Institute Library | |
656 | Mechanics' Institute, 1864, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Mechanics' Institute Library | |
661 | Mechanics' Institute, 1864, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Mechanics' Institute Library | |
771 | This is a Cow, San Francisco.
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
778 | The Seal Rocks
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
779 | At the Cliff House, Seal Rocks, San Francisco
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
781 | The Cliff House
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
781 | At the Cliff House, San Francisco
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
932 | All aboard for Calistoga, with Clark Foss and his celebrated Geyser team
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
967 | California Street from Stockton, San Francisco
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
967 | California Street from Stockton, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
993 | Prince and Wretch
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1035 | The Colfax Party
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1049 | In The Yosemite
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1051 | In Camp Grove, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1052 | In the Yosemite Valley
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1057 | In the Yo-semite
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1059 | In Camp Grove, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1142 | On the Sentinel Dome
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1171 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1231 | Cape Horn, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1288 | In Camp, Oregon Railroad, Columbia River, Cascades
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1295 | Residence of Jo Bailey, Esq., Oregon Railroad, Cascades
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1301 | View on the Columbia, Oregon Railroad, Cascades, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1302 | Roaming Stock, O. R. R. Cascades, Columbia River.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1368 | Masonic Temple, corner Montgomery and Post sts.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1369 | Bay View from North Point
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1375 | Cousin's Ship Yard from North Point Dock
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1376 | Bay View from North Point
Courtesy of Roger Genser - The Prints & The Pauper | |
1378 | North Point Dock Bonded Warehouse
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1557 | View in Shasta Valley Siskiyou Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
1558 | Residence of Mr. Wells, Shasta Valley, Siskiyou Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1568 | View in Bumper's Hell, and what took us there.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1583 | Geyser Hotel, J. C. Susenbeth, Proprietor, Sonoma Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1595 | Petrified Grotto at the Calistoga Hotel, Napa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Bill Lee | |
1623 | The fountain under the dome, Woodward Gardens
1636 | American Eagle. Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1637 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1638 | Balloon Ascension, Woodward Gardens, S.F.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1639 | Sea Lions, Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1641 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of Graham Pilecki | |
1642 | Sea Lions, Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1643 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1644 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
1645 | Sea Lions, Woodward Gardens, San Francisco
1645 | Sea Lions, Woodward Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1648 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1648 | At Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco.
Courtesy of Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographica | |
1658 | At Woodward's Gardens
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1708 | Ocean House.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1713 | Corner of Geary and Kearny streets, S.F.
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
1714 | Junction Geary and Market Sts., San Francisco, Cal.
Courtesy of Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographica | |
1725 | Sea Lion and Cub, Woodward Gardens
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1726 | Sea Lion and Cub, Woodward Gardens
1727 | Sea Lion and Cub. Woodward Gardens. Cub at Breakfast
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
1728 | Sea Lion and Cub, Woodward Gardens
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1729 | Seal. At Woodward's Gardens, S.F.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1730 | Seal. At Woodward's Gardens, S.F.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1731 | Seal. At Woodward's Gardens, S.F.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1735 | Occidental Hotel, Montgomery Street Front, S.F.
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1747 | U.S. Steam Frigate California
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1750 | Heald's Business College
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1770 | Montgomery Street from New Montgomery and Market Sts, S.F.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1779 | Montgomery St., Wells Fargo's Express, S.F.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1783 | British Consulate, San Francisco
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1798 | Calico Pony
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
1830 | North Bloomfield, Nevada Co.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1848 | City of Vallejo and Suburbs. From the residence of A.D. Wood. (No. 10)
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2006 | Light-house at Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
2016 | On the Sugar Loaf Islands, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
2030 | Sugar Loaf Islands, form the West End. Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
2031 | The Cave, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2043 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2044 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
2045 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
2046 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
2047 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
2048 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2049 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2050 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, P.O.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2051 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
2052 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2053 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
2055 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
2056 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, P.O.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
2057 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of | |
2058 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2059 | Sea Lions, West End, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
2060 | Seal Rocks, from Sugar Loaf Islands
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2061 | The Murr, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2062 | Shags and the Murr
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2063 | Gull, Shags & Murr, Farallon Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
2063 | Shags on their nests, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2063 | Shags and Sea Gulls, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2064 | Shags on their nests, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2065 | Young gull presenting his bill, the latest thing out. Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2066 | Young gulls, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
2067 | Young gulls, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean | Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
2068 | Running the Rookeries, Gathering Murr eggs, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2069 | Sea Aquarium, Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2072 | The Oldest Inhabitant of the Farallone Islands | Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
2073 | The Oldest Inhabitant of the Farallone Islands | Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2074 | Oldest Inhabitant of the Farallone Islands, Pacific Ocean | Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2183 | At the Residence of Mrs. Eastman, Millbrae, San Mateo Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
2185 | At the Residence of Mrs. Eastman, Millbrae, San Mateo Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
2301 | On the Way to the Geysers, Russian River Valley
2303 | On the way to the Geysers, Castle Peak
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
2305 | On the way to the Geysers
Courtesy of California State Library | |
2306 | On the way to the Geysers, Hog's Back
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
2309 | Foss at the Geysers
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
2310 | At the Geysers, Sonoma Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
2356 | Harbin's Springs Hotel.
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
2417 | Thurlow Lodge, res. of M. S. Latham, Menlo Park
Courtesy of John Saddy - Jefferson Stereoptics | |
2430 | Thurlow Lodge, residence of M.S. Latham, Menlo Park
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
2771 | Walker House, Salt Lake
Courtesy of Bill Lee | |
3667 | Little Donkey.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4032 | Nature's Sweet Restorer, Balmy Sleep. | Courtesy of California State Library | |
4105 | Tarantula, Carson River Pet, Nev.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4177 | Sierra Nevada Hoisting Works, Virginia City, Nev.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4783 | A Pasadena Pet, Cal.
Courtesy of Bill Lee | |
4816 | Sultan, Son of the Moor, Dam, Sultana, by Delmonico, and Sire of "Sweetheart."
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4817 | Sultan, Son of the Moor, Dam, Sultana, by Delmonico, and Sire of "Sweetheart."
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4818 | Sir Guy, Sunny Slope.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4819 | Sultan, Son of the Moor, Dam, Sultana, by Delmonico, and Sire of "Sweetheart."
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4834 | Free Livery, Sierra Madre Villa, San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4835 | Take a Ride? Sierra Madre Villa, San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4895 | Wood train in Tucson, Arizona.
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
— | Foss and Connelly's Stages going to the Geysers.
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of Online Archive of California |