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253 results
View as
Number | Title | Image (click for larger image) | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet. Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Ca
Courtesy of Graham Pilecki | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 ft
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet. Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Ca
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
3 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
5 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
6 | Yo Semite Falls, 2630 feet.
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
7 | On the way to the lower Fall
Courtesy of The Huntington Library | |
7 | On the way to the pool of the Yo Semite Falls
Courtesy of Russell Norton - | |
9 | The Upper Fall
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
10 | Distant View, Yosemite Falls
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
19 | Distant view of Half Dome and Vernal Fall
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
22 | Piwyac, or the Vernal Fall, 300 feet
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
22 | Piwyac, or the Vernal Fall, 300 feet
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
23 | The Mill from the Ferry
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
32 | Tocoya, or the North Dome, from the South Fork
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
33 | River View. North Dome - Yo Semite
Courtesy of Russell Norton - | |
34 | North Dome, 3729 feet
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
37 | Tasayac, or the Half Dome, 5000 feet
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
39 | North Dome, Royal Arches
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
44 | El Capitan, 3600 feet
Courtesy of Russell Norton - | |
48 | El Capitan 3600 ft Yo Semite
Courtesy of Russell Norton - | |
49 | El Capitan, 3600 feet
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
50 | Reflections
Courtesy of Yosemite Museum, National Park Service | |
50 | Mirror View, the foot of El Capitan
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
199 ( 51) |
Yosemite Falls
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
52 | The Mono Pass
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
52 | The Mono Pass
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
52 | The Mono Pass
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
58 | Libecedrus decuriens
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
60 | Sentinel Rock
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
68 | The Lake
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
69 | Cabin in Camp Grove
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
70 | The Lower House
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
79 | Foot of the half Dome
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
91 | On Lake Bank
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
97 | In the Mariposa Grove
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, Gift of Weston and Mary Naef | |
99 | Grizzly Giant, Mariposa Grove
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
104 | At the Hacienda, New Almaden.
Courtesy of Ken Rosen | |
116 | Camp near Summit Tunnel. Mount King in the distance
Courtesy of California State Library | |
126 | Rural View
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
132 | Donner Lake, Peak and Pass, from Wagon Road
Courtesy of California State Library | |
154 | At the Hacienda, New Almaden.
Courtesy of Harper Wright on behalf of the Estate of Helen Carroll Wright | |
161 | The Pagoda
Courtesy of Bill Lee | |
188 | Castle Peak, a Western Summit, 10,000 feet altitude
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
188 | Castle Peak, a Western Summit, 10,000 feet altitude
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
192 | Academy of Notre Dame, San Jose
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
206 | Coldstream Valley, from Tunnel No 13
Courtesy of California State Library | |
206 | Coldstream Valley, from Tunnel No 13
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
215 | Bear Valley and Yuba Canyon, from Emigrant Gap
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
215 | Bear Valley and Yuba Canyon, from Emigrant Gap
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
216 | Going up the Incline
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
242 | At Mendocino, Mendocino County, California
Courtesy of The Dave Bernhisel Collection | |
251 | The Mill from Freundts, Mendocino, Mendocino County, California
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
258 | Castle Peak from Railroad, above Donner Lake
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
258 | Castle Peak from Railroad, above Donner Lake
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
260 | Mist rising from Donner Lake. Early morning View
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
261 | Railroad around Crested Peak. View from foot of Donner Lake
Courtesy of Library of Congress | |
261 | Railroad around Crested Peak. View from foot of Donner Lake
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
263 | Dwarf Pine, Mendocino, Mendocino County, California.
Courtesy of The Dave Bernhisel Collection | |
273 | The Incline, Mendocino, Mendocino County, California
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
560 ( 302) |
Residence of Mr. Howard with Laurel Tree Specimen, San Mateo County
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
481 | Howards San Mateo
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
496 | Untitled | Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
739 | Residence of T.H. Selby, San Mateo
Courtesy of California State Library | |
741 | Res. of T. H. Selby
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
742 | Residence of T.H. Selby, San Mateo
760 | Vase of Flowers M E A
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
917 | The Road to the Cove
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1003 | Tutocannula, or El Capitan, 3600 feet
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1005 | Pohono, or the Bridal Veil from the Coulterville Trail
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1026 | The Bridge
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1055 | In the Yosemite Valley
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1057 | In the Yo-semite
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1059 | In Camp Grove, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1087 | Hutchings
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
1097 | Dead Pines
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1098 | The Sentinel, from the Yosemite Falls
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
1099 | View of the Valley from the Coulterville Trail, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa Co.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1111 | View on the Merced
Courtesy of Graham Pilecki | |
1117 | Cathedral Rocks, 2600 feet
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1118 | El Capitan, 3600 feet
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1118 | Tutocanula, or El Capitan, 3600 feet
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1120 | Mirror View
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1133 | Yosemite Valley
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1134 | The Yosemite Valley from "Best General View," Mariposa Trail
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1137 | The Yosemite Valley, from the Mariposa Trail
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1138 | Yosemite Valley
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1142 | On the Sentinel Dome
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1142 | Tip top of Sentinel Dome
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1156 | Mount Starr King, from Glacier Point.
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
1161 | In the Mariposa Grove
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
1162 | Grizzly Giant, 33 feet Diameter
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1164 | Section of the Grizzly Giant, 33 feet in Diameter, Mariposa Grove, Mariposa Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1164 | Section of the Grizzly Giant, 33 feet in Diameter, Mariposa Grove, Mariposa Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1164 | Section Grizzly Giant, 33 ft Diam.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1164 | Section Grizzly Giant, 33 ft Diam.
Courtesy of Len Walle | |
1165 | Remains of the Father of the Forest
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
1166 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Jeremy Rowe Vintage Photography | |
1169 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1171 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1172 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
1173 | In the Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1174 | Galen Clark, Esq., Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
1174 | Galen Clark, Esq., Mariposa Grove, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1176 | View from White & Hatches', Mariposa County
Courtesy of Gary D. Lowe | |
1178 | White and Hatches', Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1208 | Panorama of Portland and the Willamette River, Oregon #8
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1209 | Panorama of Portland and the Willamette River, Oregon #9
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1225 | View on the Columbia River near Vancouver
1232 | Cape Horn, Columbia River
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1233 | Lone Rock, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1239 | Multnomah Falls, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1248 | Castle Rock, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1257 | The Garrison, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1263 | View on the Columbia River, Middle Block House, Cascades
1264 | View on Columbia River from Middle Block House
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1265 | Ruins of the High Bridge, Middle Block House, Cascades.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1286 | View on Columbia River from the O.R.R., Cascades
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
1294 | View on Columbia River from Oregon Railroad, Cascades
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1295 | Residence of Jo Bailey, Esq., Oregon Railroad, Cascades
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1301 | View on the Columbia, Oregon Railroad, Cascades, Columbia River
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1302 | Roaming Stock, O. R. R. Cascades, Columbia River.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
1386 | Residence of W.C. Ralston, Belmont
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1387 | Residence of W.C. Ralston, Belmont
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1391 | Among the Foot-Hills, Belmont.
Courtesy of Dorothy Crane Collection | |
1540 | Mt. Shasta, view from the east side, Siskiyou County, Cal.
Courtesy of Mead B. Kibbey | |
1584 | Geyser Hotel, J.C. Susenbeth, Proprietor, Sonoma Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Steve Heselton | |
1629 | Woodward's Gardens, S.F.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
1801 | Rudyard, (English) Dam. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1802 | Rudyard, (English) Dam. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1803 | Big Cañon (Bowman) Dam. North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Company.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1804 | Big Cañon Dam, North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Co., Nevada Co.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1810 | Big Cañon, North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Co., Nevada Co.
1811 | Fall of Water from Ditch into Poorman's Creek. Eureka south, North Bloomfield G. M. Co.
Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
1817 | Malakoff Diggings from Columbia Hill, North Bloomfield Gravel Mining
Courtesy of California State Library | |
1829 | Eureka South, Nevada Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1902 | Lawn View at T. H. Selby's Residence, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of David Horine | |
1906 | North Avenue leading to T.H. Selby's Res. Fair Oak, Cal.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1907 | North Avenue, leading from T.H. Selby's Residence, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
1908 | South Avenue, leading from T.H. Selby's Residence, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
1918 | Lawn View at T. H. Selby's Residence, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of David Horine | |
1926 | Avenue in rear of T.H. Selby's Residence, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of George Eastman House | |
1933 | T.H. Selby's Orchard, Fair Oaks, Cal.
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
1951 | Redwood Trees at San Francisquito Creek, Menlo Park
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
1956 | Residence of D.O. Mills, Millbrae, San Mateo Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
2110 | Residence of W.C. Ralston, Belmont
Courtesy of David Horine | |
2246 | Horticultural Exhibition, Stockton St., S.F.
Courtesy of Jim Crain | |
2287 | Almond Tree in Blossom | Courtesy of Len Walle | |
2342 | Hademon's Spout Farm, Napa Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
2348 | Hademon's Spout Farm, Napa Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
2407 | Thurlow Lodge, res. of M.S. Latham, Menlo Park
Courtesy of The New York Public Library | |
2419 | Thurlow Lodge, residence of M.S. Latham, Menlo Park
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
2430 | Thurlow Lodge, residence of M.S. Latham, Menlo Park
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
2530 | San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.
Courtesy of American Antiquarian Society | |
2757 | 1000 Mile Tree, Weber Canyon, Utah | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
3091 | The Yosemite Valley, from "Best General View," Yosemite, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles | |
3118 | Piwyac, the Vernal Fall, 300 ft., Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
3126 | The Half Dome and the Vernal Fall, Yosemite Valley, Mariposa County, Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
3501 | The Sentinels, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3502 | The Pavilion, built on the Stump of a Tree, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3503 | The Sentinels, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3504 | Interior of Pavilion, built on the Stump of a Tree, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3504 | Interior of Pavilion, built on the Stump of a Tree, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
3509 | The Pride of the Forest, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3510 | The Miner's Cabin, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3511 | The Miner's Cabin, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3512 | The Miner's Cabin, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3513 | The Three Graces
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3514 | The Three Graces
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3515 | W.C. Bryant
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3516 | Pioneer's Cabin
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3517 | California and Broderick
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3518 | Section of Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
3518 | Section of Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3519 | The Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3520 | The Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3521 | The Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
3521 | The Mother of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3522 | The Father of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3523 | The Father of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3523 | The Father of the Forest
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
3524 | The Father of the Forest, 450 feet, Mammoth Tree Grove, Calavaras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3525 | The Father of the Forest
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3526 | Starr King, Richard Ogden, John Bright
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3527 | James King of William, Keystone State, Etc.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3528 | Hercules
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3529 | Hercules. View from the Top.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3529 | Hercules. View from the Top.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3530 | Sequoia, Queen and Maids
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3531 | Daniel Webster, Siamese Twins
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3532 | Empire State
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3533 | Old Dominion, Uncle Tom's Cabin
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3534 | Old Dominion. Uncle Tom's Cabin, looking up. Mammoth Tree Grove, Calaveras Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3535 | Eagle's Wing
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3536 | George Washington and Eagle's Wing
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3537 | Looking up among the Sugar Pines
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
3537 | Looking up among the Sugar Pines
Courtesy of Robert Smith - | |
3666 | Bayonet Cactus, Tehachapi Pass, Kern Co., S.P.R.R.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4211 | Soda Springs near Summit Station, C.P.R.R., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4216 | Soda Springs near Summit Station, C.P.R.R., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4217 | Berkeley and Anderson Peaks, from Soda Springs, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4219 | Berkeley Peak, Soda Springs, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4302 | Yucca Draconis, Paper Tree, Mohave Desert, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4326 | Cactus, (Opuntia Prolifera).
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4327 | Cactus, (Mamillaria Goodridgeyi).
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4328 | Cactus, (Echinocactus virideseens).
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
4329 | Cactus, (Cereus speciosa).
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4330 | Cactus, (Opunlia occidentilis).
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4346 | First bearing Orange Tree in San Ber'no Co., Van Lenvan's Orchard, Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
4383 | Banana Trees at Wolf skill's, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4384 | Banana Trees at Wolfskill's, Los Angeles, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4399 | Rose Tree, 27 in. Circumference, Gen. Stoneman, San Gab'1., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4455 | Banana Trees, Mr. Wallace, San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of William Jaeger | |
4456 | Banana Trees, Mr. Wallace, San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4457 | Pepper Tree, San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4458 | Palm Trees, San Gabriel.
4459 | Date Palm, San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
4460 | Cork Tree, San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4757 | Eucalyptus Grove, Santa Monica, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4781 | Young Fig Tree, Lake Vinyard House, Pasadena, Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
4797 | Residence of A.N. Carter. San Gabriel, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4798 | Century Plant, Res. of A.N. Carter, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4803 | Res. of L.J. Rose, from Orange Ave., Sunny Slope, San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4804 | Ready for Irrigation, Sunny Slope, San Gabriel, Los Angeles, Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4805 | Avenue of Orange Trees, Sunny Slope, San Gabriel, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4821 | Cogswell's Sierra-Madre Villa, W.P. Rhoades, Lessee. Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
4826 | Cogswell's Sierra Madre Villa, Los Angeles Co., Cal.
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
4842 | Cactus, (Cereus Englemanni.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4843 | Cactus, (Opuntia Arbuscula.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4844 | Cactus, (Opuntia Echinophloea.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
4844 | Cactus, (Opuntia Dubiosa.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
4845 | Cactus, (Opuntia Bigelovii.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Online Archive of California | |
4846 | Cactus, (Fonquiera Splendens.) Arizona. | ||
4847 | Cactus, (Cereus Giganteus.) Arizona. | Courtesy of Bill Lee | |
4848 | Cactus, (Cereus Giganteus.) Arizona. | ||
4849 | Cactus, (Cereus Giganteus.) Arizona. | ||
4850 | Cereus Giganteus in blossom, Arizona. | ||
5002 | Section of Big Trees, Big Tree Grove. Felton
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
5022 | Glenwood Magnetic Springs, Santa Cruz Co.. Cal., Hubert & Luff, Proprietors.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
5023 | Glenwood Magnetic Springs, Santa Cruz Co., Cal., Hubert & Luff, Proprietors.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
5025 | Vine Hill from Magnetic Springs, Santa Cruz Co., Cal.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Petrified Forest
Courtesy of John Waldsmith | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of Phil Nathanson | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Live Oaks, Spring Valley Water Works
Courtesy of Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Untitled
Courtesy of John Carpenter | |
— | Views at Suburban Residences in Oakland, Cal.
Courtesy of California State Library | |
— | Cactus, (Cereus Giganteus.) Arizona. |