Number | — | Similar Title |
unnumbered | | Office of John C. Fremont Estate, Bear Valley |
unnumbered | | Residence J. C. Fremont, Bear Valley |
unnumbered | | Residence J. C. Fremont, Bear Valley |
unnumbered | | Residence J.C. Fremont, Bear Valley |
unnumbered | | Site Where John C. Fremont Camped, Agua Fria Valley, 1847 |
489 | | Residence of John Parrott, San Mateo, Cal. |
1234 | | Residence of John Stephenson, Columbia River |
1558 | | Residence of Mr. Wells, Shasta Valley, Siskiyou Co., Cal. |
1975 | | At the Residence of John Parrott, Esq., San Mateo, Cal. |
1977 | | Residence of John Parrott, San Mateo |