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Content in this frame is from Online Archive of California website

Image courtesy of: Online Archive of California   (Accession Number 1957.028:22)
Photographers number:1321
Title:Contention Mill, Contention, Arizona Territory
Inscription:Recto mount on pasted paper label, centered below image: Contention Mill, Contention, Arizona. / No. 1321. Watkins’ New Series, 427 Montgomery St., S.F.
Date Photographed: 1880
Catalog:Carleton Watkins: The Complete Mammoth Photographs, cat. no. 1224
Notes:CMP notes: Sign near log pile on left reads, NO CAMPING / ON THIS GROUND. Team of horses visible in no. 1318 visible here, too, behind mill

Photographer:Carleton E Watkins   (Nov 11, 1829 — Jun 23, 1916;  Active approx. 1853 — 1896)
Publisher:Carleton Watkins
Format:Mammoth Plate
Image Size:15 716  x  21   in.  (39.2 x 53.3 cm)  —  Horizontal, Rectangle
Mount Size:22  x  28   in.  (55.9 x 71.1 cm)
Provenance to 1900:Phoebe A. Hearst  (source: Unknown/markings on verso mount)

View this image in gallery:Arizona and Montana
Link to image source: Image ID:1006773
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