1368 |
Masonic Temple, corner Montgomery and Post sts.
Courtesy of Jim Crain
1393 |
Post Street, from Mason-view East
Courtesy of Jim Crain
1716 |
Mechanics Institute, Post Street
Courtesy of Steve Heselton
1774 |
Post Street from Taylor, view East, SF
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers
3570 |
The Palace Hotel from Sutter St., San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers
3570 |
The Palace Hotel from Sutter St., San Francisco.
Courtesy of Jim Crain
3571 |
The Palace Hotel from Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
Courtesy of California State Library
3571 |
The Palace Hotel from Montgomery Street, San Francisco.
Courtesy of Jim Crain
3575 |
East Side of Montgomery St., from Market, S.F., July 4, 1876.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers
3669 |
Market and Post Streets from Second St
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers
3671 |
Post Street from Market, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers
3672 |
Post Street from Market, San Francisco.
Courtesy of The Society of California Pioneers