Number | — | Similar Title |
unnumbered | | Jacob Strahle & Co., Billiard Manufacturers, Agents for Delaney's Patent Wire Cushions, 563 Market Street, Opp. Sansome |
unnumbered | | Jacob Strahle & Co., Billiard Manufacturers, Agents for Delaney's Patent Wire Cushions, 563 Market Street, Opp. Sansome |
1416 | | Jones & Woell, 643 Market St. Mechanics' Institute, 1868. |
1431 | | Edward Galpen & Co., 21 Sansome Street, Mechanics Institute, 1868 |
1601 | | Haynes & Lawton, Grand Hotel, Market Street, San Francisco |
1617 | | Haynes & Lawton's, Market St., under Grand Hotel, San Francisco |
672 | | Bay View, from Montgomery & Union Sts., San Francisco |
901 | | View of Dam & Camp looking West up Pilarcitos Spring Valley Water Works, California |
976 | | Donohoe, Kelly & Co.'s Bank, cor. Sacramento and Montgomery sts. |
981 | | Fourth st. wing G. P. Kimball & Co's Carriage Manufactory, S. F. |